Today I learned in debuging an ADFS authentication issue, Chromimum based browsers hava a capture traffic feature. I already new about the Developer Tools. This Developer Tools still need to be used in combination if you need to capture the request body data. None the less I believe it is an intresting tool to have in your toolbox.

To access this features:

BrowserFeature Name
Mircrosoft Edge (76+)edge://net-export
Google Chromeedge://net-export

Example: Normal capture


Turn on


Access/View Results


Example 2: Capture traffice with start of the browser (clean)

If you need to capure data from the start of the browser, you can accomplish this by using the CLI

msedge.exe --log-net-log=d:\temp\log-edge-session.json --net-log-capture-mode=Everything


Chromium Dev documentation: How to capture a NetLog dump

Capture and diagnose traffic from chromium